Ali A. Reihani

A Lightweight document-oriented NoSQL Database for the GO language

CloverDB is the work of a great friend and fellow Computer Scientist, Stefano Scafiti. It is a lightweight NoSQL database designed for being simple and easily maintainable, thanks to its small codebase. The project was inspired by tinyDB.

I contribute where I can to this great project. If you know the Go language, and love to support free open source software like me, you are more than welcome to join the project on its GitHub page.


A polygon is a shape formed from three or more points joined by three or more straight lines, The points are known as vertices (each point is a vertex), and the lines are called sides—the name of most polygons relates to the number of angles or sides it has.

Venn Diagrams

Venn diagrams AVenn diagram shows the relationship between sets. In a Venn diagram, a set is ‘usually represented by a circle, and the universal set by a rectangle. Elements of a· set are often represented ·by points in the circle. Each part of the diagram .is labeled and the parts being considered are shaded.

Liquid Crystal

Liquid crystal (LC) is a state of matter with qualities that fall in between liquids and solid crystals.
A liquid crystal, for example, may flow like a liquid but have its molecules arranged in a crystal-like pattern.
Liquid-crystal phases come in a variety of shapes and sizes, each with its own set of optical properties (such as textures).
Domains where liquid-crystal molecules are orientated in opposite orientations correspond to the contrasting sections in the textures.
The molecules, on the other hand, are well organized within a domain.
It’s possible that LC materials aren’t always in a liquid-crystal state of matter (just as water may turn into ice or water vapor).

The Bagworm Moth

The Bagworm moth, also known as the Psychidae, is a fascinating species of moth that is found all around the world. What makes this moth unique is its ability to create and carry a protective case or bag that it constructs from natural materials found in its environment. Physical Characteristics...

The World Wide Web

The world wide web is like a global filing system that runs on the internet. Each entry in this filing system is a website, which can consist of many webpages. Each webpage brings code, text, and multimedia files together. Hyperlinks are special interconnections between webpages that help users navigate through...