About Me

I am Ali, an engineer and computer scientist with a passion for the Linux operating system and the world of computing.

I thoroughly enjoy working with computers, electronics, artificial intelligence, and robotics, and exploring the wonders of science and nature. I have a deep affection for the Linux operating system, symbolised by the adorable Linux penguin 🐧, and I am a strong advocate of “Free and Open-Source Software” (FOSS) and the GNU project.

These principles, supported by the Free Software Foundation, drive my belief in collaborative innovation and the availability of technology for all. Arch Linux is not only my primary operating system but also my preferred choice due to its flexibility and customizability.

Alongside my technical expertise, I offer consulting services and comprehensive solutions in the field of information technology. With an unwavering dedication to the Linux operating system and years of experience in the computing industry, I bring a wealth of knowledge to the table.

I am deeply passionate about emerging technologies, including embedded computing, quantum computing, the Internet of Things, robotics, and artificial intelligence. My thirst for knowledge is insatiable, and I constantly strive to stay at the forefront of scientific research and industry trends.

Engaging in intellectual pursuits, conducting thorough research, and expanding my expertise are activities that bring me great joy. On this website, you will find a collection of my projects and explorations, serving as my corner of the internet. I hope you enjoy your visit and find value in the knowledge shared here.