
The C++ Programming Language

The C++ programming language is a powerful and versatile tool used by developers worldwide to create robust software applications. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983, C++ was designed to be an extension of the C programming language with added features that make it ideal for building complex software systems. C++...

Linux Performance Observability Tools

Linux performance observability tools are essential for system administrators and developers to monitor the performance and diagnose issues in Linux-based systems. With the increasing complexity of modern computing environments, the need for accurate and reliable performance metrics has become more critical than ever. In this article, we will discuss some...

George Boole: The Father of Boolean Algebra

George Boole was a 19th-century mathematician and philosopher who is widely regarded as the founder of modern symbolic logic and Boolean algebra. Born in Lincoln, England, in 1815, Boole was a self-taught mathematician who developed an interest in algebra and logic at a young age. Boole’s most significant contribution to...

The IBM card

The IBM card, also known as the IBM punch card, was a standard for data storage and processing during the early days of computing. The cards were first introduced by IBM in the early 1920s and quickly became a widely used method for recording and storing data, from census data...


Hexadecimal, commonly abbreviated as “hex,” is a numerical system that is widely used in computer science and programming. It is a base-16 system, meaning that it uses 16 distinct symbols to represent numbers, as opposed to the base-10 decimal system that uses ten symbols (0-9). In this article, we will...

What is Braille?

Braille is a tactile writing system used by people who are blind or visually impaired to read and write. It was developed by Louis Braille in 1824, and is based on a series of raised dots that are arranged in patterns to represent letters, numbers, and punctuation marks. Braille is...