
The Mercury Delay Line Memory

The mercury delay line was a method for representing binary zeros and ones as pulses of acoustic energy that relied on sound waves flowing through a tube of mercury. At the very least, in principle, the pulses could travel through the delay line unbrokenly if they were to capture the...

Magnetic-core Memory

Magnetic-core memory, also known as core memory or ferrite core memory, was one of the first types of random access memory (RAM) used in computers. It was developed in the late 1940s and remained in use until the 1970s. Core memory was important because it allowed computers to store data...

Miniature Untethered EEG Recorder Improves
Advanced Neuroscience Methodologies

The NAT-1 (Neural Activity Tracker) is a highly miniaturised wireless electronic recording system created in an industry-academic collaboration by the Universities of York, Aberdeen, and Cybula Ltd., with specific applications in rodent-based neuroscience. In preclinical research, rodent electroencephalography (EEG) is often used in acting animals. The difficulty in distinguishing EEG...

Computing Through Time

In the early 19th century, the world was abuzz with a new form of transportation that would change the way people moved around forever: the velocipede. Also known as the “bone shaker,” the velocipede was a precursor to the modern bicycle and was invented in France in the 1860s. The...

Semaphores: Understanding the Basics of Synchronization

A semaphore is a variable or abstract data type in computer science that is used to restrict access to a shared resource by several threads and avoid critical section problems in a concurrent system like a multitasking operating system. 

Synchronization primitives include semaphores.

The World Wide Web

The world wide web is like a global filing system that runs on the internet. Each entry in this filing system is a website, which can consist of many webpages. Each webpage brings code, text, and multimedia files together. Hyperlinks are special interconnections between webpages that help users navigate through...

The C++ Programming Language

The C++ programming language is a powerful and versatile tool used by developers worldwide to create robust software applications. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1983, C++ was designed to be an extension of the C programming language with added features that make it ideal for building complex software systems. C++...

Linux Performance Observability Tools

Linux performance observability tools are essential for system administrators and developers to monitor the performance and diagnose issues in Linux-based systems. With the increasing complexity of modern computing environments, the need for accurate and reliable performance metrics has become more critical than ever. In this article, we will discuss some...